gaming.wikia is a Wikipedia-like project that aims to be a user-based gaming magazine. Right now most of the stuff in there is quite crappy, but this project has a lot of potential.
Island leopard deemed new species is a BBC article about a new species of Leopard. Unfortunately there are not many pictures of this “new species”, but this new Leopard looks a lot cooler than the old one 😛
Project Euler is a website with many different computational/mathematical problems which you can try to solve. Someone suggested that it was a good resource to find problems that would help you get started with Lisp and I agree. Once you solve the problem you can see the comments where people post how they solved it, which makes Project Euler even more helpful. Also, some of the problems should let me practice my Number Theory skills which, to be honest, have a lot of room for improvement.
FINE: I will look at LISP. Where do I start? is an article on reddit where people suggest what the best way to get started with Lisp is. I recently decided to get started with Lisp and I was having a hard time, hopefully that will change after this article. Many people suggested Practical Common Lisp, but that just didn’t work for me, it’s just not linear enough, most of the time the code examples contain code that the author has not explained yet so it’s very confusing.
Wireframe Subaru Impreza is an ad for the Subaru Impreza which is simply amazing. My guess is that in real life it probably doesn’t look as good as in the pictures, but it’s still a great idea.