More on “El Corazón”

Earlier this week I posted a link to Hard ‘N Phirm’s video of “El Corazón”. In my post I mentioned that I didn’t understand why they chose to do the song in Spanish. Luckily for me, Chris Hardwick from Hard ‘N Phirm stumbled upon my post and decided to answer my question. Here’s a quote from an email he sent me:

We both live in Los Angeles and there are quite a few Spanish radio stations here and this song was sort of our tribute to the fact that we hear the word “Corazon” in many of the songs. We wanted to take the passion of those songs and make the content clinical. So, it never would have even occurred to us to do it in English.

Anyway, just wanted to post about this in case anyone else was wondering why they decided to make the song in Spanish. Thanks Chris!

An Update on Postalicious

This week has been a bit crazy. I’ve been trying to get some things done (like the Chaotica release I’m always talking about), but I been spending quite some time everyday answering questions regarding Postalicious and fixing bugs. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind helping people and fixing bugs, it’s just that my vacation is running out and I still have a lot of things I want to get done before it’s over.

Anyway, a few notes to all Postalicious users:

  • Please update to the latest version. I’ve been fixing some pretty serious bugs this week and if you’re stuck with pretty much any version before 1.08, chances are you’re going to run into some sort of problem, most likely getting posts claiming to be your bookmarks from 1969.
  • Please read the FAQ, chances are Postalicious doesn’t work like you expect it to work. I’ve received several comments from people who say that nothing happens when they click the “Update Now” button. It does work, it just won’t do what you think it does. Because of this I decided to add a FAQ which explains how Postalicious works and the reasons why I decided to make it work that way.
  • Feel free to contact me if you have any problems with Postalicious, I’ll try to do everything I can think of to fix your problem. You can use the contact link at the bottom of my site or simply post a comment in this post.

Finally, this is a link to the Postalicious page where you can read the FAQ and download the newest version. Also, I would like to thank Martin from for letting me know about several bugs earlier version of Postalicious had.